Ordinea cronologica a proiectelor
Anul 2019
“Art and ecology” - Proeict no. 2019-1-ES02-KA105-013224, organizator Asociación Intercultural life (i-life), Spania.
“R3CYCLE” - Proiect no. 2019-3-ES02-KA105-012655, organizator Mad for Europe, Spania.
“My ideas, my Europe” - Proiect no. 2019-3-DE04-KA105-017164, organizator Buildungsnetzwerk Magdeburg, Germania.
Anul 2018
“Who am I? Who are we? Who you are ?” – Proiect no. 2018-1-DE04-KA105-016225, organizator Buildungsnetzwerk Magdeburg Germania.
“Solution to pollution?” – Proiect no. 2018-1-PL01-KA105-050126, organizator Stowarzyszenie Porozumienie Pokoleń, Polonia.
Anul 2017
“emPOWERment” – Proiect no. 2016-3-DE04-KA105-014606, organizator Buildungsnetzwerk Magdeburg, Germania. “Discovering Green Jobs” – Proiect no. 2017-1-FR02-KA105-012646, organizator 3PA, Franta. “Get Here, Get Heard” - Proiect no. 2017-1-DE04-KA105-015043, organizator Buildungsnetzwerk Magdeburg, Germania.
Anul 2016
“Make a Change” – Olanda, organizator Wow to go “A sound mind in a sound body” – Polonia, organizator Storwarzyszenie ZYI Kolorowo, Poland „Eco-Art” – Cehia, organizator Hnuti Brontosaurus “Opend minded” – Germania, organizator Buildungsnetzwerk
Anul 2015
„Happy Tree Friends” – Cehia, organizator Hnuti Brontosaurus
“Unplugged” – Germania, organizator Buildungsnetzwerk-Magdeburg, Germany
“Sharing Economy vs Waste Culture” – Anglia, organizator Be Enriched
“Green Mind Xperience” – Italia, organizator Associazione La Stazione, Italy
“Never ending series” – Ungaria, organizator Mátrix Egyesület, Hungary
Anul 2014
“EuroTenderPoints” – Germania, organizator Buildungsnetzwerk-Magdeburg “Jumelage sans frontier - Ideas for Eco-citizenship" – Franța, organizator Ludilangues